(浦銀座) Modified Uraginza Route


Come with? Book your bus and huts, and let me know. ;)

Budget: JPY66,000 (~USD440)
  • JPY18,500. Bus, Tokyo to Oritate trailhead
  • JPY12,000. Hut with Dinner. Tarodaira
  • JPY14,000. Hut with Dinner and Bento, Kurobegoro-goya
  • JPY14,000. Hut with Dinner/Bfast. Seiransou. 
  • JPY1,500. Bus, Takase Dam to Shinano Omachi Station
  • JPY6,000. Local trains, Shinano Omachi Station to Tokyo
Hike Date / Difficulty (Elevation: 2,840m / 9,318ft)
  • 2024
  • Difficulty: 5 out of 5. 
  • Route below is around 50.1kilometers, with an elevation change of ▲5,247m/ ▽5,317m
  • Map Link 

When to Go
Bus/Shuttle access limited to mid-July to mid-September/October (Oritate)

Special Notes
  • Weather check: English / Japanese. English more detailed, Japanese more accurate. 
  • Trailheads. I'm just putting in what I want to use.
    • Oritate (折立). Direct bus from Tokyo. Not the cheapest, but the most convenient.
    • Takase Dam (高瀬ダム). Access as follows:
      • Bus, Shinjuku Station to Shinano-Omachi Station (信濃大町駅). Bus schedule here, buses run from April to mid-December. JPY5,200, 5 hours one way. Consider bus pass. For 2020, schedules as follows:
        • Shinjuku Bus Terminal to Shinano-Omachi: 6:35am, 7:35am, 9:35am, 3:05pm, 6:15pm, 11:05pm.
        • Shinano-Omachi to Shinjuku Bus Terminal: 7:42am, 9:56am, 2:57pm, 3:57pm, 4:40pm, 5:12pm, 7:57pm. 
      • Shuttle, Shinano-Omachi Station < > Takase-dam (JPY1,500 one way, 45 minutes). Shuttle schedule here.
  • Mountain huts.
    • Day 0. Bus
    • Day 1. Tarodaira Goya (太郎平小屋). Reservations online. JPY13,000 with both dinner and breakdast. 
    • Day 2. Mitsumata Sanso (三俣山荘). Reservations online
    • Day 3. Seiransou (晴嵐荘). Reservations via phone call (Japanese) 090-5535-3667
October 10, Wednesday
  • 10:15pm. Bus from Takebashi Station to Oritate.
October 11, Thursday
  • 06:40am.ETA: Oritate trailhead. Start hike
  • 01:50pm. ETA: Mt. Yakushi (薬師岳)
  • 04:00pm. ETA: Tarodaira goya. 
October 12, Friday 
  • 05:00am. Start hike. 
  • 10:10am. ETA: Mt. Kurobegoro
  • 02:15pm. ETA: 三俣山荘. Assess if will summit Washiba on the day of. 
  • If will summit :
    • 03:35pm. ETA: Mt Washiba (鷲羽岳) 
    • 04:25pm. ETA: Back at 三俣山荘. Camp for the night. 
October 13, Saturday
  • 03:00am. Start hike. 
  • 05:58am. ETA: Mt. Suisho (水晶岳(黒岳)
  • 05:00pm. ETA : Seiransou. 
October 14, Monday
  • 03:00am. Seiransou to Takase dam. 
  • 04:00pm. ETA: 高瀬ダム. Make sure to have a taxi scheduled for pick up. 
  • 05:00pm. ETA: Shinano-Omachi Station. 
