(札幌雪まつり) Sapporo Snow Festival

One of my favorite trips, Sapporo Snow Festival is a highly recommended visit. 

Unfortunately, this has been cancelled in 2021 and 2022 due to covid. 

Budget: JPY0 (~USD)
  • Free, as long as you get to Sapporo. Flight tickets are ridiculously expensive at this time though, and hotels are fully booked months in advance. 
Visit Date
  • February 9-10, 2017
When to Go
Around Valentine's. Haha. 
Check for the status online (https://www.snowfes.com/english/), because this event only lasts a week every year, usually second week of February. 

Special Notes
  • Some say that watching the demolition of the sculptures is fun too, so maybe try to see it the morning after the last day. 
  • There are three main events:
    • Snow Sculptures. The main event, in Odori Park (google maps). Basically the entire park have side by side, back to back 2 meter ish sculptures that are lit up, and sooooo much food all over, including warm beer!
    • Ice culptures. A street or two (google maps) with ice sculptures side by side. Great, but not as impressive as the snow sculptures. It is in Susukino Street, which is also the red light district it seems like of Sapporo. 
    • Snow Games in Tsudome Site (google maps). Just a huge space with some rides, slides, etc. Just a playground ish. 
  • Just walk around at night! But check for the closing time - around 9 or 10pm, because 
Here's the pictures on my end.

I came to visit in 2017, so pineapple pen was very very popular back then. 
